Sunday, 11 March 2012

Sri Sai Babas Messages to M.K.Spencer .

From darkness into light.
Man is a weary traveller on the earth plane. There s a load at his back  and  his  mind   is  shrouded   with thoughts of fear and frustration. Footsore and heartsore, he drags on, for he   knows  not   his   destiny.    Bound in gnorance, he makes self his God and worsens his lot as he treks his way in the wilderness   of   dried and frustrated designs-  Selfishness   and   sin into an endless chain of misery and suffering.       Caught in the snare of maya, he loses sight of the   Reality   and sinks deeper and deeper into the pit of moral   degradation.    It is only when the sting of conscience   bites  him and remorse takes hold of him, he seeks   freedom   from this enslavement.    Remorse and repentance open  to him a new way   to  life.    Behold,. his   ways   are   changed. There is no more the cloud  of   darkness   on   his   face. ;He awakens to a new consciousness.    He is seized with a new force.    It is the force of   the   spirit,   which  the sting of conscience   has  awakened   and   liberated.    No longer a weary traveller, but a bright soldier,   he forces his way and knows the destined   goal   that   awaits   him.
Not sin but virtue, not self but selflessness, not. desire but desirelessness, not pride but egolessness, not greed but renunciation, he knows now, as constituting his armour in the battle of life. Fortified in this manner, with burning love and devotion for God, he seeks the path of spiritual victory. He vanquishes his foe by self-masterv and wins the goal—God's own Kingdom of Light and Eternal BLISS-


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