Of Knowledge Thou Art Bestower,
Me a Humble Bestowee.,
Of inner Strength Thou Art the Tallest Tower,
Thy name, with the sweetness of Nectar.,
Thy fame, with the Fragrance of Flowers.,
Ever newest, ever beautious and Captivating in form.,
'Solutions' in thousands Thou Givest, for pertinent problems in Hundreds.,
Selecting me as thy Instrument, to pen them in prose and verse,
Verily, to me, a Coveted honour,
O! True social and spiritual Revolutionary
O! Sai the Magnificient monarch of mind.
Even with Unending Praise of Thine,
Dis-satisfied I Always Remain.,
More than miracles, more than marvels.,
Only through Sanctimonious Satsangh(1)
Our Body, Mind, Intellect, Soul and spirit
Surely Acquire Self-Realisation
And enter the realm of eternal Liberation,
All with thy Divine Grace,
O! True social and spiritual revolutionary
O! Sai the Magnificient Monarch of mind.
Devouts' Lamps of knowledge get enkindled,
Secrets of life get Unravelled.,
Hope, Faith, Love in celestial Luminance Bloom
Only with thy Divine grace,
O! True social and spiritual revolutionary
O! Sai the Magnificient Monarch of mind.
Readers who study "SAI's Splendour",
This anthology of prose and verse
Shall Surely get engrossed; shed caprice., Give Unasked.,
Rise Above all obstacles, Ever be patient into the Last.,
Recieveth Equaminity, Enlightenment and Emancipation.,
Be Blessed by thou, rest they will in thee and thou in them.,
O! True social and spiritual revolutionary
O! Sai the Magnificient Monarch of mind.
1) Satsangh:-True Fellowship
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