Sunday, 11 March 2012

Sri Sai Babas Messages to M.K.Spencer .


(Extracts from the article of Pujya Sri C.S.Ramaswamy ‘THOUGHTS OF SRI SAI BABA AND UPASANA – Page 32 of Ist World Sai Convention Souvenir 1971)
Baba's way of transforming the Human to the' Divine is unique. He attracts ARTHAS (people in distress) ameliorates  their suffering, kindles  the spark of  devotion aid then fans it into the flame,    gives spiritual lessons in Mysterious ways. MINOCHEK.SPENCER, Parsee,  a seeker of truth, used to receive instructions  from a departed Saint RISHI RAM RAM.  The  Rishi one day revealed himself to Spencer and told him “I, have taken you so far. But for further guidance you must pray to BABA’.  This Sadhaka has  left a book entitled "  HOW I FOUND GOD"  and there narrates about the daily lessons .that he took from Baba who used to appear to the  devotee in ASTRAL BODY.
From 3rd November 1952 to 18th February 1953, Sai Baba gave discourses to me in the altar room and they were written down, word by word, as I heard them, without making any change in compliance with His command. These discourses, it will be seen, embody exoteric and esoteric teachings of all "the prophets,—Zoroaster, Krishna, Buddha, Moses, Christ and Muhammad and the experiences of saints and sages, in all the countries of the world, from the most ancient time to date.
Religion is a matter of the heart. It has to be lived and transcended. The discourses, in the beautiful and lucid language, as dictated by Sai Baba contain so much of exoteric and esoteric material in them, that they should make a wide range of appeal, even though the truths adumbrated are as old as the hills and there may be nothing new or novel in them.
Discourse No. (1)
In the stilly silence of the Night.
The stars are shining. The sky is clear. The sea is murmuring, as its waters ebb and flow in rhythmic motion. There is deep silence, stealing its way and casting its mantle on the whole panorama of Nature hushed in sleep and rest. There is glamour in the landscape ; there is beauty in the moon, as it rises in all its glory and freshness, throwing its pearly radiance all around. In this exquisite quietness of Nature and the stilly silence of the night, what invisible work is being done ? The Alone seeks to greet those, who silently worship Him in the temple of their hearts, enkindling their souls with the fire of His Spirit. Silence is the language of the universe. Seek silence in the silent night and the fire, and flash of His Spirit would girdle you in all their transcendent glory.



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