Sunday, 11 March 2012

PEARLS OF WISDOM by Swami Kesavaiahji

Baba's Promises

1.         This is Dwarakamayi of ours on which you are sitting. This wards off all danger and anxieties from her children. Highly merciful is this Masidi Ayi. She is the mother of those who place their entire faith in Her. If they are in danger, She will save them. Once a person climbs on Her lap, all his troubles are over.
2.         What can the snake do to Dwarakamayi's children? They look on amused when the snake appears. When Dwaraka­mayi protects, can the snake strike ?
3.         We have no need to fear. Strike, let me see how you can strike and kill.
4.         This is not a mosque. It is Dwaraka. Those who seek refuge in her will never be harmed.
5.         As soon as one climbs the steps of this Dwarakamayi, sufferings due to Karma are at an end and joy begins. That Fakir (God) is very kind and relieves your troubles.
6.         When any one enters this Dwarakamayi, his goal (object) is achieved.
7.         This place (Dwarakamayi) is for Tarana, i.e., saving people, and not Marana i.e., killing them. (Meaning of Dwarakamayi) Masudi Ayi., i.e., Dwarakamayi is Sai.
8.         I do nothing. I receive nothing. Datta calls for his own. He has called for Rs. 15 as his due and given it to Masudi Ayi. So the money has been received (by me).
9.         My eye (of vigilant supervision) is ever on those who love Me. Whatever you do, wherever you may be, ever bear this in mind, that I am always aware of everything you do.
10.       If a person ever meditates on Me, repeats My name, sings of My deeds, and is thus transformed into Me, one's karma is destroyed. I always stay by his side.
11.       You should always have truth with you. Then I always shall be with you, wherever you are, and at all times.
12.       I will be with you, whenever and wherever you think of Me. Do not fear.
13.       If a person perpetually thinks of Me, and makes Me his sole refuge, I am his debtor and will give My head to save him.
14.       If a person ever dwells on Me in his mind and will not even taste food before offering it to Me, I am his slave. So also if he hungers and thirsts after Me, and treats all else as unimportant.
15.       I am the bond.slave of my devotees (Bhaktaparadheena.) I love devotion.
16.       He who withdraws his heart from wife, child and parents and loves Me is My real lover and he merges in Me like a river in the sea.
17.       Sai Baba: The key of My treasury is now placed in your hands. Ask for anything you want, Rs. 5 or 100 a month or what you will and I will give it to you.
Devotee declines to ask.
S. B. : Ask for something, I am anxious to give you, D : Is it agreed that You will grant anything I ask for? S. B.: Yes.
D : Then, Baba, I want this. In this and in any future birth that may befall to me, You should never part from me. You should always be with me.
S. B. : Yes. I shall be with you, inside you and outside you, whatever you may be or do.
18.       My devotee feels me in You, in himself and in all creatures and sees all as his Guru. He will become Myself.
19.       If you make Me the sole object of your thoughts and aims, you will gain Paramartha (Supreme Goal).
Look to Me, I will look to you. Trust in the Guru fully, ihat is the only Sadhana. The Guru is all the Gods.
20.       If a person devotes his entire mind to Me and rests in Me, he need fear nothing for body and soul. If he sees Me and Me alone and Jistens tof talk about Me and is devoted to Me alone, he will reach God (Chaitanya). He who worships Me as Nitya, Suddha and Buddha comes to Me. QQ


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